
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

13 in 2013

Second blog post! Impressive.. I know.

Today I'd like to enlighten you with a little list I came up with of 13 goals for 2013! 

13 in 2013
1. Start a blog! - always feels good to get one checked off right away!  
 2. Get fit! - I'm not going to make a specific weight goal - just a general goal to be in better shape than I am now
3.  Save more / spend less - this year I hope to make some financial goals and really stick to them aka.... save more
4.  Have more patience - I have found my patience getting shorter - this year I am going to really make an effort to not lose my patience so easily (scary because I don't even have kids!!! I guess it's good I start working on this now!)
5.  Eat healthier / Less fast food - I've already admitted I love to eat, and that includes junk.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend fast food is gross... it's freaking delicious - but this body needs to last for a while (evidently you only get one) so it's time to start fueling it more efficiently
6.  Be less worried about others opinions - I spend too much time worrying about how my decisions will effect others, or what other will think about my actions. This year I will try to worry less about what other people think... because really.. who cares (well right now I do but I'm working on it!!)
7.  Be more thankful - too often we go about our lives worried about what we DON'T have.... I would like to try everyday to think about all I DO have and be thankful for that, because I know it's a lot more than many people.
8. Wear the clothes in my closet... ok this may seem silly... but seriously, my closet is PACKED yet I always have "nothing" to wear.... I am really going to try and wear everything in my closet (and not buy as many new clothes) .... and if I don't wear it, it's getting donated!
9. Run a half marathon.... got my eyes on one in May... time to start training
10. Start working on my future professional aspirations.... ie: figure out WHAT I want to do and start preparing
11.  Try new things.  I'd love to say I'll try something new everyday... .but I'm going to try and be realistic.  I don't care if it's something as small as trying a new recipe, it's fun to branch out and try new things as much as possible!
12.  Volunteer.  It feels good to give back and there are so many ways to do it.  I'm definitely going to try to devote a little more time to worthy causes.
13.  BE HAPPY.... as much as possible.  I'm a firm believer that only YOU are in control of your happiness.  So this year I am going to CHOSE to be happy, and surround myself with the people that bring out the best in me.

So there you have it.  13 "goals" for 2013. 

Time to get started!  Better late than never!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


My first blog post!! How exciting! (well it is for me at least) .. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while and somehow just haven't gotten to it... so I figured what better time to start something new than on the first day of a new year!!! So for now, this blog will be about pretty much whatever tickles my fancy that day, so pretty much it will be all over the place.  Eventually I hope to find my niche but until then...  it's a free for all yall! So welcome, and hopefully... after a few more posts, you'll want to stay a while!